One Life
Infinite Possibilties
Alisa Eresina, Executive & Leadership Coach
The Coach to Free Your Mind and Unlock Your Unlimited Potential
Our greatest human suffering is caused by a misidentification of who we think we are. If you dissolve the illusionary prison of the mind, your true power and essence will be revealed.
I invite you to walk a path of extraordinary success, mental peace and limitless freedom – together.
In deep Love,
From Stress, to Inner Peace
Ready to transform your stress into lasting inner peace? Sign up and start your journey toward a calmer, more balanced life. This free video series offers practical tools to help you release anxiety and stress, both in your daily routine and in your business.
About Alisa Eresina
As a Professional Coach and Spiritual Guide Alisa helps executive leaders to become more successful in their mission, while finding mental peace and consistently expand their human potential.
Dissolve subconscious limitations that form behaviour, relationships, vitality and performance through:
Subconscious Reprogramming
Transform limiting beliefs and deep-rooted mental patterns that hinder your success. By reprogramming your subconscious mind, you can create new neural pathways that align with your desired outcomes. This process enables you to break free from self-sabotage and consistently achieve your goals.
Somatic Bodywork
Somatic bodywork helps you reconnect with your body, releasing stored tension and stress that impact your overall well-being. Through this hands-on approach, you can access the body’s innate ability to heal and restore balance. By integrating mind and body, you enhance your capacity for resilience and vitality, supporting your mental peace and peak performance.
Shadow Integration
Shadow integration involves acknowledging and embracing the parts of yourself that you often repress or deny. By bringing these hidden aspects into the light, you gain greater self-awareness and emotional intelligence. This process empowers you to harness the full spectrum of your personality, leading to more authentic relationships and a deeper sense of self-acceptance.
Pragmatic Spirituality
Pragmatic spirituality is about applying spiritual principles in a practical, grounded way to elevate your life and work. It allows you to connect with a deeper sense of purpose while staying focused on tangible results. By integrating spirituality with your day-to-day actions, you cultivate a sense of inner peace that enhances both your personal fulfillment and professional effectiveness.
From individuals to athletes, corporations, and beyond alisa helps transform mindsets to live a life of Infinite possibilities.
Vera Grablechner
"I love working with Alisa because she responds to my individual personality and situation and made me instantly feel comfortable to speak openly about topics I am usually more restrained to talk about. I look forward to continuing working with Alisa and can highly recommend her as a coach and facilitator!"
Toni Chung
"I have experienced Alisa as a highly skilled Coach with great empathy and wisdom about personal life transformation. She walks the talk, speaks from the heart, and really knows how to nurture your own capacity for living a more fulfilled life."
Hannah Sturm
"Alisa is one of my favorite people to innovate and co-create with. I simply love her energy and how she’s able to see the big picture and to ask the right questions. Everyone that gets to connect with her sees that Alisa is a creator by nature and a hostess by heart. She has a special talent for holding space and creating meaningful experiences - long-term impact included."
Hannah Sturm
"Alisa is one of my favorite people to innovate and co-create with. I simply love her energy and how she’s able to see the big picture and to ask the right questions. Everyone that gets to connect with her sees that Alisa is a creator by nature and a hostess by heart. She has a special talent for holding space and creating meaningful experiences - long-term impact included."
Katharina Kugler
"Working with Alisa for six months exceeded my expectations. She has a unique ability to guide you to your own wisdom, uncover hidden aspects of yourself, and create breakthroughs in both personal and professional areas. Her sessions are deep yet light-hearted, making the process enjoyable. Alisa is an exceptional coach and a genuine friend. Highly recommended for anyone seeking transformation."

Sarah lechner
"Working with Alisa for 4 months has been life-changing. Her compassionate guidance helped me reconnect with my heart, uncover barriers, and reignite my passion. Alisa's unique approach, blending new perspectives, breathing techniques, and bodywork, has deepened my self-awareness and renewed my energy and positivity. I'm incredibly grateful for the experience and the trust I've gained in my journey."
Vera Grablechner
"I love working with Alisa because she responds to my individual personality and situation and made me instantly feel comfortable to speak openly about topics I am usually more restrained to talk about. I look forward to continuing working with Alisa and can highly recommend her as a coach and facilitator!"
Toni Chung
"I have experienced Alisa as a highly skilled Coach with great empathy and wisdom about personal life transformation. She walks the talk, speaks from the heart, and really knows how to nurture your own capacity for living a more fulfilled life."
Hannah Sturm
"Alisa is one of my favorite people to innovate and co-create with. I simply love her energy and how she’s able to see the big picture and to ask the right questions. Everyone that gets to connect with her sees that Alisa is a creator by nature and a hostess by heart. She has a special talent for holding space and creating meaningful experiences - long-term impact included."
Hannah Sturm
"Alisa is one of my favorite people to innovate and co-create with. I simply love her energy and how she’s able to see the big picture and to ask the right questions. Everyone that gets to connect with her sees that Alisa is a creator by nature and a hostess by heart. She has a special talent for holding space and creating meaningful experiences - long-term impact included."
Katharina Kugler
"Working with Alisa for six months exceeded my expectations. She has a unique ability to guide you to your own wisdom, uncover hidden aspects of yourself, and create breakthroughs in both personal and professional areas. Her sessions are deep yet light-hearted, making the process enjoyable. Alisa is an exceptional coach and a genuine friend. Highly recommended for anyone seeking transformation."

Sarah lechner
"Working with Alisa for 4 months has been life-changing. Her compassionate guidance helped me reconnect with my heart, uncover barriers, and reignite my passion. Alisa's unique approach, blending new perspectives, breathing techniques, and bodywork, has deepened my self-awareness and renewed my energy and positivity. I'm incredibly grateful for the experience and the trust I've gained in my journey."
Coaching with Alisa
30 Days Coaching Reset
Elevate from Survival Mode to Strategic Mastery
In just 30 days, transform your approach from one rooted in fear and stress to one driven by mental clarity, peace, and purpose. When you're constantly in a survival state, your decision-making, communication, and leadership suffer. This program is designed to dissolve the underlying causes of stress, allowing you to unlock new levels of insight, creativity, and impact as a leader.
Executive Coaching
Tailored Excellence for Visionary Leaders
Partner with me in a coaching journey that’s customized to your unique challenges and aspirations. This experience blends coaching, mentorship, and strategic sparring, enhanced by our exclusive Mind Mastery Training™. Learn to break free from subconscious limitations and tap into higher levels of success, clarity, and fulfillment—both as a leader and as a whole human being.
"An exceptional experience that i've never had before with any other coach."
As your coach, I invite you to fully embrace the infinite possibilities that you are. Free your mind and dissolve any limitations that keep you trapped. Dive deep into your subconscious mind and find your true vision to be manifested in your life.
Receive Weekly Insights on How to Master your Time, Life and Energy
Each week, you'll receive practical strategies, thought-provoking reflections, and actionable steps to help you live with more intention, focus, and vitality.
We strive to accurately represent the potential effects and benefits of our content, including our website, videos, newsletters, and programs. While many have experienced positive results, Alisa Eresina cannot guarantee specific outcomes or improvements to your physical, mental, or emotional well-being. Our content is educational and not a substitute for medical advice. Results may vary, and no particular impact or effect is guaranteed.